Sunday, May 2, 2010

Building Bridges

Leo Club Of George Town Mutiara has organised major project last Sunday 25/5/2010 named
 “Building Bridges”. 
The name is cool right!!!!
What it means by "building bridges"???
Well, our club has been adopted in Penang Road Platform Bridge as our club's long-term projects. Club aim of this project is to create a better, greener, safe environment for pedestrians using the platform of the bridge. This project is strongly supported by the national government, Penang State City Council.

5 of us, (from the left), Ailynn, Jolynn, Eeling, Pei yong and Janet.
 the launching platform
woooow, look at the stain, BANYAK NYA....
Sorry, lolxx 3 of us are camera "SHY"
Darrel & danny, 2 leos from Swinburne Kuching.
tree planting project
clean up and refurnish the bridge

be cautious, SLIPPED !!!!!
Last but not least, GTM ~ HUAT ARR!!!!


Akira 思胜 said...

GTM Huat ah!!! :P

=Jesyca= said...

Huat!!! GTM~

pEIyong said...

yaya...lolxx from facebook huat till blogspot, GTM yeng arr!!!